The project comprised refurbishment and extension of Building 6 of Denys Lasdun’s Grade II listed Teaching Wall at the University of East Anglia. The refurbished space provides a home for the new Productivity East facility, part of the School of Engineering. A key element of the scheme is the provision of a new entrance to the facility at the end of a new pedestrian link from Chancellor’s Drive, the main route through the campus. The new entrance has been made possible by the removal of a later 1970’s corridor which was added over the original Lasdun façade, obscuring interesting details, including concrete columns recessed from the blockwork façade to create small window reveals with a sculptural base detail. New canopies form the entrance and covered cycle storage, rationalising and improving the landscaping in this part of the campus.
During the project, our delivery team worked closely with the design team making sure the existing Grade II listed structure was retained without damage, and with all stakeholders to ensure the building works did not impede upon day-to-day life within the UEA campus for both staff and students.