Cocksedge Building Contractors Limited believes the health, safety and welfare of workers to be of primary importance and essential for the efficient operation of its undertakings.
Senior management recognises the need to operate the business in a manner that is in line with current legislation, regulations, codes of practice and its business objectives and will ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to meet all its compliance obligations.
To this end, the senior management are committed to the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 and have put in place a business management system which meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 and to pursue continual improvement in the health and safety of its workers, its operations and management systems.
The Company takes all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its workers, and any others who may be affected by its work activities from time-to-time, by providing the following:
Equally, it is the responsibility of all employees to assist the Company in attaining its health and safety objectives. The Company expects workers to take reasonable care of their own health, safety and welfare and that of others who may be affected by their actions.
Overall responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of the Company’s workers and others as they may be affected by the Company’s day-to-day activities from time to time is vested in the Managing Director as the named Director for Safety.
In its commitment to prevent injury and ill health to workers and other interested parties affected by day-to-day activities and in striving for continual improvement, the Company sets objectives and targets against which its performance is monitored, measured and communicated to all relevant interested parties.
Management will give full support to all those who endeavour to carry out the Company’s Health & Safety Policy.
Cocksedge Building Contractors Ltd endorses this Health & Safety Policy Statement and senior management acknowledge that ultimate responsibility rests with them to ensure that it is communicated, understood, implemented and maintained at all levels within the business and that it achieves its intended outcomes.
This Health & Safety Policy Statement will be reviewed by senior management not less than once a year.
To download this policy, click here.