Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery is a crime resulting in an abhorrent abuse of human rights. It is constituted in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 by the offences of: 

• Slavery, bonded, forced or compulsory habits

• Criminal exploitation 

• Sexual exploitation 

• Human trafficking 

• Domestic servitude 

Cocksedge Building Contractors Ltd is compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and understands the importance of transparency in its supply chain provisions. It knows that transparency measures are vital within the business to prevent slavery occurring within the organisation or through its suppliers and sub-contractors.

Cocksedge Building Contractors Ltd ensures zero tolerance for modern slavery, fully complies with the Human Rights Act and is fully committed to implementing effective system and control measures to ensure that no slavery activities take place in respect to activities under its control.

Cocksedge Building Contractors Ltd is a UK-based company with its main areas of operation being throughout the UK. Its supply chain including contractors, sub-contractors, outworkers and any person or persons providing services to the Company undergoes a rigorous vetting process before being added to its approved supplier and sub-contractor list, which is intended to ensure that no such crimes or infringements take place within the business. 

In order to put this Policy into practice the Company will: 

  • Carry out a vetting and due diligence process – workers, including suppliers, contractors, sub-contractors not already well known to the Company will have full checks into their background and be required to provide personal information such as place of birth (birth certificate and/ or passport), education, current living address, driving license, bank accounts and NI numbers (where appropriate) etc. 
  • Train and educate workers and where appropriate, suppliers in the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and ensure that they are notified of any changes in legislation.

As part of its induction process all relevant workers receive internal training to learn about Modern Slavery and are aware of the correct actions and procedures to follow, to prevent any breach, or potential breach of Cocksedge Building Contractors Ltd Anti–Slavery Policy. 

If any worker identifies or suspects any criminal offence under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in association with the activities of the Company, they should report this to the police immediately. If potential victims are in immediate danger the 999-emergency number should be used.  All workers are informed and made aware of the Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700. 

All workers must notify the Managing Director of any breaches in this Policy. 

The Board of Directors maintains and approves this Policy annually at or around the financial year end of the 31stDecember each year

To download this policy, click here.

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